Starters orders 6 ground
Starters orders 6 ground

While the graphics are not exactly flashy, they are detailed enough to get the point across. One of them provides you with the jockey’s POV, which makes it look like you are actually riding the horse instead. Thankfully, the game allows you to do that, and even switch between multiple angles. Speaking of which, it wouldn’t be exciting if you couldn’t watch the actual races. It’s also worth noting that the game is very realistic in regard, since you even have to buy the transportation vehicles that bring the horses to the racetrack. Obviously, it takes a lot of money to do so, especially when it comes to facilities and training. In case you want to get really serious about the business, you can always try to breed your own horses and make sure that they are born to be champions. Jump into the races and watch them from multiple angles Everything from finances, to jockeys and horses are under your control, and you can view detailed statistics on earnings, bets and profits. The gameplay is pretty relaxed, since you are usually looking at numbers and statistics most of the time, but it may take a while to get used to all the panels you have at your disposal. As you might suspect, this is a management simulator that allows you to create a team, train horses, hire jockeys, and generally take care of everything else in order to enter tournaments and win a lot of money by winning them.


Starters Orders 6 is part of a pretty illustrious simulator series that goes back quite a few years, and it only got better in the meantime. Obviously, they can just as well lose the said money, but that’s the beauty of the game. However, the sport's popularity is due to the fact that people are allowed to bet on the horses, which means that they can make money by just cheering for a particular participant. Horse racing may not be the most exciting sport out there, even if the crowds always look very excited when they watch the races, but it has quite a lot of fans.

Starters orders 6 ground