Mac os x yosemite download iso for thumb driveīonjour Sleep Proxy now resolves IP addressing and naming conflicts smoothly.Conclusion: The Apple AirPort is a fantastic Wi-Fi device to deliver the best WLAN experience to your portable devices.

The basic steps for upgrading the firmware to version 7.6.8 and 7.7.8 are as following: Steps to Update Apple AirPort to the Latest Firmware VersionThe method applies to both the AirPort Extreme and AirPort Express base stations. Open the Apple AirPort Utility on your Macintosh. The AirPort utility is located at the /Applications/Utilities folder on your Macintosh computer. Once the utility opens, you will find badge(s) next to the names of available AirPort base stations that have a firmware upgrade available. Look if your AirPort have an update available. This facility is called the AirPlay and the AirPort base stations can very well execute this feature.However, the updates on Apple AirPort devices were not making a sight for quite a long period of time. There are rumor across the techie community regarding Apple’s probable decision on discontinuing the Apple AirPort product lineup, but that may not be happening just yet. Apple has recently released two firmware updates, version 7.6.8 and 7.7.8 for the AirPort Wi-Fi base stations and if you own one, you should update the firmware to the latest available version. Why are the AirPort updates less frequent than other Apple products?Not just Apple but any tech company does not make very frequent changes to their Wi-Fi, routers or switches very frequently. Because networking technology doesn’t change as rapidly as computers and smartphones or tablets do. You also get to see what is on the wireless side and the protocols! This is too cool!A really nice feature is seeing the signal strength for each wireless connection.Even if the networking technology changes, upgrade at every level from ISPs to end users will take a lot of effort to get things in order, thus these updates are rolled out slowly.Similarly, Apple’s AirPort products go through a slower firmware update process. Apple has released their AirPort Wi-Fi base stations couple of years ago. They may not be as popular as other Apple products like the iPhone, iPad or even the Macintosh but a lot of Apple AirPort are in use till today. While it has lots of information, more detail is required on using the tool.Overall I give this a full 5, Best. The fact that I just got it and have already reaped major benefits from it just in tuning the wireless is huge. PC: Use AirPort Utility 5.6.1 for Windows 7. On computers with Snow Leopard or Leopard, use Airport Utility 5.6.1, which supports 802.11n models and the original AirPort Express.IOS devices: Use Airport Utility 1.3.4 or later for iOS 7.1 or later.

Choose AirPort Utility > Preferences, then do any of the following: Select Check for updates when opening AirPort Utility to automatically check for software and firmware updates each time you open AirPort Utility. Open the AirPort Utility app on your Mac, located in the Utilities folder in the Applications folder.
How to download and install this firmwareThe Manual Setup mode of Airport Utility (or OS X 10.4 and earlier's Admin Utility) is used for tweaking and updating your settings later, after you already.